by daniel.cantero | Jan 13, 2021 | Blog, Gear
PHOTOGRAPHY GELS Photography gels are a well known product used in photography and the film industry and yet not a lot of people use them. My guess for this would be that it is not an easy to find product. Even when you go to most camera stores, they don’t...
by daniel.cantero | Jan 12, 2021 | Blog, Gear
Cinefoil What is Cenefoil and what is it used for? Cinefoil is known by many names. Black wrap, Cinefoil, Black foil are some of the different names given to a product that is right up there for essentials in the photography and film industry. Yet, most photographers...
by daniel.cantero | Jan 1, 2021 | Blog, Gear
GAFFER TAPE You would imagine that big fat strong tape would be handy in a studio. And you would be right but why is it that gaffer tape has the cult following and reputation it does with photographers and filmmakers? There are after all many different types of tape...
by daniel.cantero | Dec 28, 2020 | Blog, Gear, Stuff
This is the Epson 3880. Now, they don’t make this printer anymore which is a real shame because it is a fantastic printer. It can print images up to a size of A2 which is plenty for most people. It can also be fitted with an optional paper roll attachment that...
by daniel.cantero | Dec 28, 2020 | Blog, Gear, Stuff
If you want to do some macro photography but don’t own a macro photography lens then this is a great alternative. These lens extension tubes allow you to turn any lens into a macro lens. Simply attach the extension tubes to your camera and mount the lens on the...
by daniel.cantero | Dec 28, 2020 | Blog, Gear, Stuff
Canon 5D Mk II This camera is legendary. It is the camera more responsible for introducing video capabilities to DSLR and mirrorless cameras. Besides the video capabilities of this camera, it is the photographic power of this beast that still makes this a great...